To follow your ‘yellow brick road’ means you keep moving your bigger purpose forward even when you are tired and scared.
Sure, we all find familiar faces on our path like scarecrows (tough decisions), tinmen (challenges), and cowardly lions (anxiety, guilt, and blame).
But you can feel joy and satisfaction every step of the way.
My unique mommy and me yoga retreat is designed to help you do just that:
excite inner balance, achieve fuller health, and experience a profound life.

I used to believe my good deeds could change the world.
My ideas and sheer willpower could get the job done.
Sure, I made a difference, but at a cost to my health and family - I convinced myself it was only temporary.
And then I got pregnant and had a baby.
The effect was exhaustion and multiple meltdowns per week (mostly in the privacy of my own home, so I'd appear calm and collected in public).
In my crazy zealous state, I didn’t fully connect my life purpose with my everyday actions, but instead: I attached my self-worth to my successes (based on what I thought others expected me to do).
Craving something to make me feel whole again and being pregnant with my second, I led a retreat to become a prenatal yoga teacher.
I had an aha moment putting to use what yoga teachers have been telling me for years:


I believe that intention is everything.
And so is how you spend your time.
When you fully connect your day-to-day actions with your mission, you’ll find more freedom and growth than you could ever imagine.
Bring together inner joy, and you're invincible.
With your kiddo?
As a Mommy and Me Yoga Teacher, I understand that everyone’s yellow brick road to happiness is as unique as they are
My passion is helping people be their best, and stop wasting energy where it doesn’t add value to their life.
I inspire my students to listen to your inner voice (the one that brought you here today).
I provide actionable steps so you can be PRESENT for your child and your ever-evolving life.
The way I do that is with mom-to-mom connection.

I believe each of us has unique gifts to share with the world.
I don’t follow any template or yoga school. My style is me. My playfulness, dry sense of humor and eternal optimism, coupled with what makes you unique, gives rise to joyful holistic expansion.
I love working with Moms like me who enthusiastically create solutions and are more than ready to take ownership for creating the day-to-day life of your dreams.
Mom & Baby friendly
A comfy bed in a private room to recharge.
Spacious outdoor patio and indoor living room designed for ages 0-7 to enjoy.
Delicious healthy meals and superfood snacks to keep you and your little one energized throughout the day.
Space for Mom to Renew
A daily private gentle yoga class, Jennica-style, to nourish your body and mind.
1 amazing massage to help you fully relax.
Ventures for us Moms only while our children play with my favorite caregiver for 2-4 hours each day.
Time to Grow Closer to your Children
A guided hike to practice trust, communication, and pure fun with your baby.
Daily Mommy & Me Yoga Classes to move and play together.
Live Joshua-Tree-style with me and my kids: we'll wander the village, explore the national park and of course just relax and play in nature.
Featured as one of the Top 10 Best Yoga Retreats in California on


Custom Happy Plan Activity Book
Gain clarity and reconnect with what's most important for you, your child, and your family.
A digital action plan for being a better, more joyful, Mom and person.
During your retreat, we’ll have ‘breakout’ time – little invitations to help you connect your daily life with what matters most to you
This roadmap gives you more creative control, time, and energy to continue to evolve every retreat we're together.

"Jennica's Happy Plan Activity Book is so much fun! I love how it brings together Jennica's love for all things data-driven (and therefore logical and tangible) and that mysterious thing we call 'happiness'. If you're looking for a light and enjoyable way to dig deep into the depths of your own heart, you will LOVE this".
~Cerries Mooney, United Kingdom
Private One-on-One Mentorship
Keep the vibes high after the retreat with weekly check-ins for an entire month.
Bring the knowledge and wisdom gained home by chatting with a Mom of 3 who knows and reminds you how truly powerful you are.
For four weeks, I'll be motivating and guiding you to stay connected and inspired.

AndMemories that Last a Lifetime
An outdoor mommy and me photo session with my personal photographer who excels at capturing the bond between mom and child.
Keep reinforcing the spiritually good feelings with beautiful images of you and your child.

"After I gave birth I was stressed out as a new Mom and Jennica welcomed me with open arms. She helped me improve my self-care. Her community involvement inspires me to connect and rejoice with the environment and those around me."
~Geneva W., Joshua Tree, California

Our time together is my mission:
To help you share your heart, nurture mom & baby, and live your dharma (the big reason why you are here) by doing what I do best- connecting the dots.
The fact that you're here, right now, means YOU are ready.
The way I help you connect is with everyday life-purpose connection sprinkled with nature, wisdom, and a whole lot of YOU. (aka your custom Happy Plan Activity Book and personalized Mommy and Me Yoga Retreat ).
But you may feel guilty about even reading this.
I want you to know, your only job in this life is to follow your heart. That is how you can be of the highest service; when you are in your highest joy.
And the world really needs you right now- oozing with so much joy that your family, friends, and co-workers can't help but smile, too. This is living your dharma.
So many of us are on the quest for happiness but I’m going to fill you in on a secret:
Your baby's happiness is not your purpose. Your baby's happiness is a byproduct of living your purpose.
You cannot truly be happy until
You connect your day-to-day life with your purpose.
Otherwise, there will forever be a void that you are trying to itch with another accomplishment, another goal, or even another baby.
So together we will align your 'happy statement' with your daily life while in a healing setting so you tune into your children and your own infinite potential that you were born to share.

"I had no idea where to start or what to do in certain areas, but Jennica was very resourceful and made everything go ahead smoothly. I learned something new and was very motivated. It's nice working with Jennica because she's also driven and gets results. She delivered."
~ Markisha K., Colorado Springs, Colorado

Your Investment
Your 4-Day Mommy and Me Yoga Retreat and four-week mentorship experience costs $2896-$9996USD depending on the location and size of group.
Payment plans are available.
But I want more than your money.
I want you to give me days away from distractions so you can be in the NOW for your child and your own personal growth and spend the next four weeks making it your reality.
I want your time with me to be an investment in your bliss, your family, and in putting in the work it takes to create a life that is full of joy so you can stop feeling so guilty.
And when you choose to invest in your child and yourself, you are making it possible for other Mamas without the financial means to benefit too.
But let me guess, you can't get away.
You can't not get away.
You have to separate your identity from your daily life to create space for you to grow.
All your studying and learning can and should be of service without feeling guilty.
To achieve this transformation in four days is invaluable for your life and your unique motherhood journey.

"Stress and burnout are things I've struggled within my life. When I was going through a tough time a few years ago, Jennica took the time to show me some powerful techniques that allowed me to improve my mental health in the face of challenging circumstances. I still use these methods to this day and it's literally been a lifesaver."
~ Jamie B., Salt Lake City, Utah

This entire program is made for you. If you're nervous or scared, often it's the stuff we don't want to do that our body and mind need the most. Be open to the adventure and let it unfold. Prepare to have fun, learn, and experience a profound life with your child.

How do I justify the money?
We always find the money for what's important.
The fact that you're still reading means this experience is of the utmost importance.
Share your heart with the co-decision makers in your life the way only you can and they can't help but say yes.
Can I bring a support person?
Of course, the people (Grandma/friend/partner) who help us the most, deserve a relaxing, rejuvenating weekend adventure too.
I just ask that you honor that this retreat is for you.
So you can create a win-win without sacrificing yourself and the bond only you as a Mom can have with your baby.
The cost increases $500-$800 depending on the duration and activites if you're open to sharing a bed with your plus one.

"Jennica is an inspirational force with welcoming energy which encouraged me to integrate more deeply in my community. She is aware of her failures and successes as a learning and growing process that we all should reflect upon to live our best selves and lives. She remains so positive that I can't help but be inspired!"
~ Saniyyah T., San Bernardino, California

Many women choose to bring one child because making one-on-one time is both good for them as a Mom, the child they bring, and those back home who also get unique time together.
I usually include all my kids because that's what I like best, and my husband gets to recharge too.
Listen to your heart to do what's best for your family.
Your package includes one Mom and one child.
Each additional child is only $150-$500 extra based on the age of the child and duration of the retreat.
How should I schedule my arrival and departure?The training kicks off with an optional walking tour around 4 pm, followed by an opening welcome circle at 5 pm and dinner the first evening around 6 pm. It wraps up late morning, around 12pm, on the final day after a closing circle, hike, and breakfast. Please make sure you are able to secure flights that allow you to be present for all activities so we can keep the group in connection from start to finish. If you are flying, we reccommend you allot 1.5-2 hours at the airport before your departure time. If you would like to get the most out of your flights and enjoy more days in Joshua Tree, go for it! We offer the rideshare service on our set start and end dates, but there are Uber-Lyfts available. A taxi from Palm Springs airport to Joshua Tree costs around $60US.
Will I have time to relax and explore in Joshua Tree during the training?As this is an intensive-structured training, we have a lot to fit into just 7 days. Our full days start with yoga while the sun rises. You can expect to spend most of your time learning and practicing, or resting. We value hard work as much as we value play, which is why this training includes dance breaks and nature walks to recharge our Prana through movement. On the final day we venture outside the retreat center together to seal our week with a Mother's Blessing in a Joshua Tree forest. Overall, you will either be in study-mode or restorative downtime. If you would like to extend your stay to explore Joshua Tree further, we welcome you to arrange an extended stay.
How does immersion training differ from weekend training?Weekend training sessions typically meet 3 or 4 weekends at one or a few locations. The immersion style is intensive. The student usually lives with other students and the teacher(s) during their training. Daily practice of yoga, meditation, instruction, and practicum is the norm. During immersion trainings, the location plays an important part of the learning experience. Joshua Tree was chosen to host due to its proximity to nature and Southern California, safety, gourmet vegetarian options and vibrant yoga lineage.
What are the required and recommended books?Below are the recommended and required books to help you prepare for our training. Required Readings: Yoga Mama, Yoga Baby by Margo Shapiro Bachman HypnoBirthing, The Mongan Method, Marie F. Mongan Birthing from Within, Pam England and Rob Horowitz Highly Recommended Readings (especially if you plan to continue on to birthwork/Doula/Midwifery studies) Guide to Childbirth, Ina May Gaskin Spiritual Midwifery, Ina May Gaskin Pushed, The Painful Truth about Childbirth and Modern Maternity Care, Jennifer Block Recommended Readings (if able) Physiology in Childbearing: with Anatomy and Related Biosciences, Dot Stales This is an expensive book- even on kindle or to rent- $50- $98. It is wonderful & really good if you are advancing your studies Preparing for Birth with Yoga, Janet Balaskas This is now out of print- but can still be found used
Is this a Yoga Alliance® Certified Program?Yes, this program partners with Gilbert Yoga which is certified with Yoga Alliance® as a Registered Prenatal Yoga School (RPYS®). This means that upon completion of all retreat activities and the 10 hours of self-study, Gilbert Yoga will give you a certificate to begin the registration process with Yoga Alliance® to ultimately become a Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher (RPYT®). Please note: Before becoming a RPYT®, 30 additional prenatal yoga teaching hours are required after this training is complete. Check out the Yoga Alliance® website for more information
What If I'm not a yoga teacher? Can I still apply?While no background in prenatal yoga is required, students are expected to be able to teach basic yoga poses and have a basic understanding of yoga philosophy prior to enrolling. This prenatal yoga teacher training will expand upon your unique yoga background providing a practical understanding of the art and science of teaching prenatal yoga. If you feel called to deepen your personal practice through prenatal yoga and/or become a prenatal yoga teacher, then we encourage you to follow that calling. For those with your 200 hour RYT® credential, this program fulfills the 85-hour Yoga Alliance training requirement to be a Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher (RPYT®). Please check directly with Yoga Alliance if you have any concerns or questions about the registration process.
What if I'm not pregnant? Can I still come?Of course. All students with the desire to dive deeper into prenatal yoga are welcome. This includes those who are pregnant, are done having kids, those who want to be pregnant, and those who have no desire to have kids of their own. Follow your heart to know if this experience is right for you.
Can I bring a support person and-or my baby?Yes, of course, as long as you honor that this is a retreat focused on training prenatal yoga teachers. Most students choose not to bring anybody as most activities are intended for students only. During this time, non-students are free to explore the 385 acre retreat center or, with access to a car, drive to nearby destinations including the Joshua Tree National Park, Big Morongo Canyon Preserve, and Amboy Crater. Mealtimes at the retreat center can always be spent together. Babes up to 2 years of age must have a non-student primary adult caregiver available at all times so the primary focus of the student is learning the material. There are a few workshops and practices such as partner prenatal yoga and Mommy and Me Yoga where support persons and a babes presence would be welcomed to enhance the learning experience for all students. Therefore, lodging and meals are included in the private room price for one non-student support person and/or babe.