My cousin passed away last week.
He's only two years older than me.
It was unexpected.
I am sad.
And jolted.
Growing up, my cousin and I spent every major holiday together. But the last time I saw him was at my wedding five years ago.
He brought his two oldest daughters.

I was pleasantly surprised he made the journey.
To a weekend getaway at one of the best-kept secrets in California.
The Native Springs Oasis (an hour east of Bakersfield for my SoCal friends).

It's not easy to get here but oh so worth it. Having kids makes going anywhere more challenging. And getting away from the day-to-day for a few days takes forethought. I remember how glad he was he made it happen. His girls were happy too. After a long car ride, they could finally relax and play together.
I took a walk with his eldest daughter the morning of the big day to explore. (Just us two).
It is the type of fond memory that only family getaways can create.

My cousin inspires and reminds me.
Life is precious.
Life is not meant to be an endurance test.
The Pavamana Mantra, an ancient indian mantra, helps bring me clarity: asato mā sadgamaya,
tamaso mā jyotirgamaya,
mṛtyormā'mṛtaṃ gamaya.
Loosely translated: From the unreal lead me to the real!
From the darkness lead me to the light!
From death lead me to immortality!
So, I'm only doing one Mommy and Me Yoga Retreat this spring.
April 28-May 1, 2022, in Weldon, California, at the same magical place I last saw my cousin.
Where we make time for what matters most. Do you want to carve out time to deeply connect with your child?
Do you want to getaway away from the stressors of daily life?
Block out time in the books today. Get your calendar out.
Make time for your kid every season like you would for a loved one's wedding.
Special time with your kiddo is not one-size-fits-all.
Bonding exclusively with your baby doesn't have to be on my retreat.
But every healthy relationship takes dedicated time.
If you haven't got your next adventure scheduled, let this be your wake-up call!
RIP Cousin James. ❤️ You matter.